1. Open your previously saved minitab project file (Response surface methodology using Minitab: part-1). Input the response as shown in following image.
2. Now, go to DOE>response surface>analyze response surface design.
3. Click on your response from the left section and click select. Afterward, select “uncoded unit” and press ok.
4. You will get: estimated regression coefficients for response and analysis of variance for response. The P value, f value, lack-of-fit and all other statistics will be there. (
tips: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2013.10.003).
5. For the response surface, go Stat>DOE>response surface>contour/surface plot.
6. Select surface plot and click on setup.
7. Select your response. Select generate plots for all pairs of factors: on separate graphs. Press ok. Then again press ok.
8. You will get the response surface plot for all pair of factors. By this plot, the interaction of the studied factors could be explained. (
tips: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2013.10.003).
9. For optimize the response, go to Stat>DOE>response surface>response optimizer.
10. Select your response. Click setup. Define your goal (maximum/target/minimum). Click ok. Then again ok.
11. You will get optimization plot. From this plot you can identify the optimum level of the studied factors on the response.
Thank you. Have a nice day!
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